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The Basecamp for your Ascent in Machine Learning

In this blog, you will find all the topics to help you master the expedition into the world of Artificial Intelligence.

Das Icon zeigt ein offenes Computerfenster mit dem Zeichen für Programmierung darin.


Basics of handling data and AI algorithms in Python.

Das Icon zeigt die charakteristische Kurve der Gauß-Verteilung.


Statistical models, rules, or methods that are used in
Artificial Intelligence is applied.

Das Icon zeigt das Symbol einer Textdatei mit einigen Zeilen geschriebenem Text.


Everything about data acquisition, data processing, and data storage.

Das Icon zeigt ein schematisches Gehirn.

Machine Learning

The core: understand algorithms, create your own models and get results


Decentralised AI / Decentralized AI

What is Decentralized AI?

Unlocking the Potential of Decentralized AI: Transforming Technology with Distributed Intelligence and Collaborative Networks.

R-Squared / Bestimmtheitsmaß

What is the R-squared?

Introduction to R-Squared: Learn its Significance, Calculation, Limitations, and Practical Use in Regression Analysis.

Classes and Objects in Python / Klassen und Objekte in Python

What are Classes and Objects in Python?

Mastering Python's Object-Oriented Programming: Explore Classes, Objects, and their Interactions in our Informative Article!

Threading and Multiprocessing in Python.

What is Threading and Multiprocessing in Python?

Boost your Python performance and efficiency with threading and multiprocessing techniques. Learn how to harness parallel processing power.

Ridge Regression

What is the Ridge Regression?

Exploring Ridge Regression: Benefits, Implementation in Python and the differences to Ordinary Least Squares (OLS).

Anaconda Python

What is Anaconda for Python?

Learn the essentials of Anaconda in Python for efficient package management and data science workflows. Boost your productivity today!

Text Mining and NLP

If you are interested in a beginner course for text mining in Python, check out our Udemy courses.

Das Bild zeigt ein Wörterbuch auf einem Tisch in Anlehnung an ein Python Dictionary.
Das Bild zeigt ein MacBook, das ein Programmierungstool offen hat mit einigen Zeilen Code.


In this section you will find concrete Python examples and how they solve real problems.


Latest papers, topics and everything else that is important in the world of Artificial Intelligence.

Das Bild zeigt ein menschliches Gesicht im Profil, in dem das Gehirn durch Verbindungen zwischen Punkten dargestellt. Dieses neuronale Netzwerk ist eine Darstellung für Machine Learning.
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