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Big Data

Das Bild zeigt eine Stadt in Anlehnung an Apache Presto.

What is Presto?

  • Data

Accelerate your data analytics with Presto. Experience fast and interactive query processing for big data analysis.

SQL Commands oder SQL Befehle

Overview of important SQL commands

  • Data

Master SQL commands in Python: Import, manipulate, and query databases seamlessly using SQL commands for efficient data management.

Das Bild zeigt eine YAML Datei.

What is a YAML File?

  • Data

Efficiently configure and manage data with YAML. Simplify data representation and improve interoperability in your applications.

Das Bild zeigt ein großes Zahnrad mit mehreren kleinen Zahnrädern in Anlehnung an Microservices.

What are Microservices?

Build scalable and modular applications with microservices. Enable flexible, independent services for efficient development and deployment.

Das Bild zeigt den Anfang einer XML-Datei.

What is an XML-File?

  • Data

Efficiently structure and store data with XML. Simplify data exchange, storage, and retrieval across platforms.

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