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Business Analyst


What is Plotly?

Learn how to create interactive visualizations and dashboards with Plotly, a Python data visualization library.


What is Matplotlib?

Visualize your data like a pro with Matplotlib: A comprehensive guide to the Python plotting library.

Balkendiagramm / Bar Chart

What is a Bar Chart?

  • Data

Discover the power of bar charts in data visualization. Learn how to create, customize, and interpret bar charts for insightful data analysis.


What is Streamlit?

Build interactive data apps effortlessly with Streamlit: Simplify development, visualize data, handle user input, and deploy with ease.

Liniendiagramm / Line Chart

What is a Line Chart?

  • Data

Master the art of line charts: Learn how to visualize trends and patterns in your data with our comprehensive guide.

Power BI

What is Microsoft Power BI?

  • Data

Unlock the power of data visualization with Power BI. Create interactive dashboards and gain valuable insights for informed business decisions.


What is Tableau?

  • Data

Learn how to use Tableau for data visualization and analysis in our comprehensive guide.

Server Racks in Anlehnung an Modern Data Stack. Datenqualität

What is the Modern Data Stack?

  • Data

Discover the modern data stack: A comprehensive guide to building scalable and efficient data pipelines. Learn more now!

Business Intelligence on Laptop Screen

What is Business Intelligence?

Unlock insights and drive growth with Business Intelligence. Learn the benefits and best practices for effective data analysis.

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